Een volledige backup maken van mijn computer franz6, host=ubuntu_12.10

Laatst verwerkt op 28-01-13 10:31:16 CET door gebruiker ulefr01


  1. Mijn partitietabel
  2. Al mijn procedures
    1. procedure tune_ext4
    2. procedure f6-t0
    3. procedure f6-t1
    4. procedure f6-t2
    5. procedure f6-t3
    6. procedure f6-t3-end
    7. procedure franz6-t0
    8. procedure franz6-t1
    9. procedure franz6-t2
    10. procedure franz6-t3
    11. procedure franz6-t3-end
    12. procedure archive-franz6-prepare
    13. procedure archive-franz6-C
    14. procedure archive-franz6-D
    15. procedure archive-franz6-E
    16. procedure archive-franz6-boot
    17. procedure archive-franz6-root
    18. procedure archive-franz6-home
    19. procedure archive-franz6-end
  3. Het uiteindelijk resultaat
  4. De uitvoering in details

Partitietabel /dev/sda

# partition table of /dev/sda
unit: sectors

/dev/sda1 : start=     2048, size=509145088, Id= 7
/dev/sda2 : start=509147136, size=102399219, Id=8e
/dev/sda3 : start=611547136, size= 11386880, Id= 7
/dev/sda4 : start=622934016, size=  2207744, Id= 7, bootable

Gebruikte bash/shell procedures

shell tune_ext4

# tune_ext4
if [ $# -ne "$ARGS" ]
   echo "Usage: `basename $0` device"
   exit $E_BADARGS
echo 'tune_ext4'
echo '---------'
echo "device= $device"
echo "doe : tune2fs -O has_journal $device"
# verwijder de journal en maak er een ext2 bestandensysteem
tune2fs -O ^has_journal $device
echo "doe : e2fsck -f $device"
# check ext2 bestandensysteem op fouten en herstel ze 
e2fsck -f $device
echo "doe : tune2fs -J size=4 $device"
# hermaak journal en maak ext3
tune2fs -J size=4 $device
echo "doe : tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index -i 6m -c 200 $device"
# maak een ext3 -6m om de 6 maanden hercheck bestandensysteem of -c 200 200 keren mounten vooraleer hercheck   
tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index -i 6m -c 200 $device
echo "doe : e2fsck -pfD $device"
# maak een ext4 bestandensystemm
e2fsck -pfD $device
echo 'gedaan !'
echo "device= $device" 
exit 0

shell f6-t0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#/media/EHD4P1/tools/ -r t1
echo "Terminal 0"
echo "----------"
#stty cols 180 rows 56
cd /media/EHD4P1/franz6
#rm outputs
(/media/EHD4P1/tools/franz6-t0 2>&1) | tee terminal_0.out
echo "-----------------"

shell f6-t1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#/media/EHD4P1/tools/ -r t1
echo "Terminal 1"
echo "----------"
#stty cols 180 rows 56
cd /media/EHD4P1/franz6
#rm outputs
(/media/EHD4P1/tools/franz6-t1 2>&1) | tee terminal_1.out
echo "-----------------"

shell f6-t2

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#/media/EHD4P1/tools/ -r t2
echo "Terminal 2"
echo "----------"
#stty cols 180 rows 56
cd /media/EHD4P1/franz6
#rm outputs
(/media/EHD4P1/tools/franz6-t2 2>&1) | tee terminal_2.out
echo "-----------------"

shell f6-t3

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#/media/EHD4P1/tools/ -r t3
echo "Terminal 3"
echo "----------"
#stty cols 180 rows 56
cd /media/EHD4P1/franz6
#rm outputs
(/media/EHD4P1/tools/franz6-t3 2>&1) | tee terminal_3.out
echo "-----------------"

shell f6-t3-end

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#/media/EHD4P1/tools/ -r t3end
echo "Terminal 3_end"
echo "--------------"
DATE="$(date +%Y%m%d)"
#stty cols 180 rows 56
cd /media/EHD4P1/franz6
#rm outputs
(/media/EHD4P1/tools/franz6-t3-end 2>&1) | tee terminal_3-end.out
cat terminal_0.out terminal_1.out terminal_2.out terminal_3.out terminal_3-end.out >franz6-${DATE}.out
echo "-----------------"
#mv t1 franz5-${DATE}-t1
#mv t2 franz5-${DATE}-t2
#mv t3 franz5-${DATE}-t3
#mv t3end franz5-${DATE}-t3end

shell franz6-t0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "Terminal 0 start"
echo "-----------------"
DATE="$(date +%Y%m%d)"
# tune ntfs partities
echo "doe ntfsinfo -m /dev/sda1"
ntfsinfo -m /dev/sda1
echo "doe ntfsfix /dev/sda1"
ntfsfix /dev/sda1
echo "doe ntfsinfo -m /dev/sda3"
ntfsinfo -m /dev/sda3
echo "doe ntfsfix /dev/sda3"
ntfsfix /dev/sda3
echo "doe ntfsinfo -m /dev/sda4"
ntfsinfo -m /dev/sda4
echo "doe ntfsfix /dev/sda4"
ntfsfix /dev/sda4
cd /media/EHD4P1/franz6
# tune ext4 partities
echo "doe tune_ext4 /dev/mapper/linux-linux_boot"
../tools/tune_ext4 /dev/mapper/linux-linux_boot
echo "doe tune_ext4 /dev/mapper/linux-linux_root"
../tools/tune_ext4 /dev/mapper/linux-linux_root
echo "doe tune_ext4 /dev/mapper/linux-linux_home"
../tools/tune_ext4 /dev/mapper/linux-linux_home
# backup mbr
echo "doe mv sda.mbr sda_"${DATE}".mbr"
mv sda.mbr sda_${DATE}.mbr
echo "doe mv sda65.mbr sda65_"${DATE}".mbr"
mv sda65.mbr sda65_${DATE}.mbr
echo "doe dd if=/dev/sda of=sda.mbr count=1 bs=512"
dd if=/dev/sda of=sda.mbr count=1 bs=512
echo "doe dd if=/dev/sda of=sda65.mbr count=65 bs=512"
dd if=/dev/sda of=sda65.mbr count=65 bs=512
# backup partitietabel"	
echo "doe mv parttblsda.sf parttblsda_"${DATE}".sf"
mv parttblsda.sf parttblsda_${DATE}.sf
echo "doe sfdisk -d /dev/sda >parttblsda.sf"
sfdisk -d /dev/sda >parttblsda.sf
echo "-----------------"

shell franz6-t1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "Terminal 1 output"
echo "-----------------"
stty cols 180 rows 56
cd /media/EHD4P1/franz6
#rm screen.dump1
fsarchiver -V
fsarchiver probe simple
cd /media/EHD4P1/franz6
cd /media/EHD4P1/franz6
echo "-----------------"
#setterm -dump 1
#mv screen.dump screen.dump1

shell franz6-t2

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "Terminal 2 output"
echo "-----------------"
stty cols 180 rows 56
cd /media/EHD4P1/franz6
#rm screen.dump2
fsarchiver -V
fsarchiver probe simple
cd /media/EHD4P1/franz6
cd /media/EHD4P1/franz6
cd /media/EHD4P1/franz6
echo "------------------"
#setterm -dump 2
#mv screen.dump screen.dump2

shell franz6-t3

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "Terminal 3 output"
echo "-----------------"
stty cols 180 rows 56
cd /media/EHD4P1/franz6
#rm screen.dump3
#script -a -t output-t3
fsarchiver -V
fsarchiver probe simple
cd /media/EHD4P1/franz6
echo "-----------------"
cd /media/EHD4P1/franz6
echo "-----------------"
#setterm -dump 3
#mv screen.dump screen.dump3 

shell franz6-t3-end

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "Terminal 3 end"
echo "-----------------"
DATE="$(date +%Y%m%d)"
stty cols 180 rows 56
cd /media/EHD4P1/franz6
#rm outputs
#script -a -t output-t3-end
fsarchiver -V
# fsarchiver probe simple
echo "-----------------"
#setterm -dump 3
#mv screen.dump screen.dump4
#cat screen.dump1 screen.dump2 screen.dump3 screen.dump4 >outputs
ls *${DATE}* -la --sort=n 
#cp outputs outputs-${DATE}

shell archive-franz6-prepare

# only run as root
if [ "$(id -u)" != '0' ]
        echo "this script has to be run as root"
        exit 1
# umount /media/winC
# umount /media/winD
# umount /media/winE

vgextend linux /dev/sdb2
exit ${RES}

shell archive-franz6-C

FSAOPTS='-z7 -j3 -s 2000'                # options to pass to fsarchiver
BACKDIR='/media/EHD4P1/franz6' # mnt/sdb1/franz6  # media/EHD4P1/franz5              # where to put the backup
BACKNAM='backup-C'     # name of the archive

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TIMESTAMP="$(date +%Y%m%d-%Hh%M)"

# only run as root
if [ "$(id -u)" != '0' ]
        echo "this script has to be run as root"
        exit 1

# echo "creation of the lvm snapshot was successfull"
echo "fsarchiver savefs -L${BACKNAM} ${FSAOPTS} ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa /dev/${DEVICE}"

# main command of the script that do the real stuff
if fsarchiver savefs -L${BACKNAM} ${FSAOPTS} ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa /dev/${DEVICE}
	echo "fsarchiver done"
# md5sum overbodig !
#	echo "start md5sum"
#       md5sum ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa > ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.md5
        echo "fsarchiver failed"

echo "fsarchiver archinfo"
fsarchiver archinfo ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa 2>${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.info
exit ${RES}

shell archive-franz6-D

FSAOPTS='-z7 -j3 -s 2000'                # options to pass to fsarchiver
BACKDIR='/media/EHD4P1/franz6'              # where to put the backup
BACKNAM='backup-D'     # name of the archive

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TIMESTAMP="$(date +%Y%m%d-%Hh%M)"

# only run as root
if [ "$(id -u)" != '0' ]
        echo "this script has to be run as root"
        exit 1

# echo "creation of the lvm snapshot was successfull"
echo "fsarchiver savefs -L${BACKNAM} ${FSAOPTS} ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa /dev/${DEVICE}"

# main command of the script that do the real stuff
if fsarchiver savefs -L${BACKNAM} ${FSAOPTS} ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa /dev/${DEVICE}
	echo "fsarchiver done"
#	echo "start md5sum"
#       md5sum ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa > ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.md5
        echo "fsarchiver failed"

fsarchiver archinfo ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa 2>${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.info
exit ${RES}

shell archive-franz6-E

FSAOPTS='-z7 -j3 -s 2000'                # options to pass to fsarchiver
BACKDIR='/media/EHD4P1/franz6' #/mnt/sdb1/franz6 # /media/EHD4P1/franz4              # where to put the backup
BACKNAM='backup-E'     # name of the archive

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TIMESTAMP="$(date +%Y%m%d-%Hh%M)"

# only run as root
if [ "$(id -u)" != '0' ]
        echo "this script has to be run as root"
        exit 1

# echo "creation of the lvm snapshot was successfull"
echo "fsarchiver savefs -L${BACKNAM} ${FSAOPTS} ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa /dev/${DEVICE}"

# main command of the script that do the real stuff
if fsarchiver savefs -L${BACKNAM} ${FSAOPTS} ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa /dev/${DEVICE}
	echo "fsarchiver done"
#	echo "start md5sum"
#       md5sum ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa > ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.md5
        echo "fsarchiver failed"

fsarchiver archinfo ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa 2>${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.info
exit ${RES}

shell archive-franz6-boot

VOLGROP='linux'                 # name of the volume group
ORIGVOL='linux_boot'                 # name of the logical volume to backup
SNAPVOL='mysnap'                 # name of the snapshot to create
SNAPSIZ='6G'                     # space to allocate for the snapshot in the volume group
FSAOPTS='-z7 -j3 -s 2000'                # options to pass to fsarchiver
BACKDIR='/media/EHD4P1/franz6'              # where to put the backup
BACKNAM='backupboot'     # name of the archive

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TIMESTAMP="$(date +%Y%m%d-%Hh%M)"

# only run as root
if [ "$(id -u)" != '0' ]
        echo "this script has to be run as root"
        exit 1

# check that the snapshot does not already exist
if [ -e "/dev/${VOLGROP}/${SNAPVOL}" ]
        echo "the lvm snapshot already exists, please destroy it by hand first"
        exit 1

# create the lvm snapshot
if ! lvcreate -L${SNAPSIZ} -s -n ${SNAPVOL} /dev/${VOLGROP}/${ORIGVOL} >/dev/null 2>&1
        echo "creation of the lvm snapshot failed"
        exit 1
echo "creation of the lvm snapshot was successfull"
echo "fsarchiver savefs -L${ORIGVOL} ${FSAOPTS} ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa /dev/${VOLGROP}/${SNAPVOL}"
# main command of the script that do the real stuff
if fsarchiver savefs -L${ORIGVOL} ${FSAOPTS} ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa /dev/${VOLGROP}/${SNAPVOL}
	echo "fsarchiver done"
#  md5sum overbodig
#	echo "start md5sum"
#       md5sum ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa > ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.md5
        echo "fsarchiver failed"

# remove the snapshot
if ! lvremove -f /dev/${VOLGROP}/${SNAPVOL} >/dev/null 2>&1
        echo "cannot remove the lvm snapshot"
echo "fsarchiver archinfo"
fsarchiver archinfo ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa 2>${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.info
exit ${RES}

shell archive-franz6-root

VOLGROP='linux'                 # name of the volume group
ORIGVOL='linux_root'                 # name of the logical volume to backup
SNAPVOL='mysnap'                 # name of the snapshot to create
SNAPSIZ='6G'                     # space to allocate for the snapshot in the volume group
FSAOPTS='-z7 -j3 -s 2000'                # options to pass to fsarchiver
BACKDIR='/media/EHD4P1/franz6'              # where to put the backup
BACKNAM='backuproot'     # name of the archive

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TIMESTAMP="$(date +%Y%m%d-%Hh%M)"

# only run as root
if [ "$(id -u)" != '0' ]
        echo "this script has to be run as root"
        exit 1

# check that the snapshot does not already exist
if [ -e "/dev/${VOLGROP}/${SNAPVOL}" ]
        echo "the lvm snapshot already exists, please destroy it by hand first"
        exit 1

# create the lvm snapshot
if ! lvcreate -L${SNAPSIZ} -s -n ${SNAPVOL} /dev/${VOLGROP}/${ORIGVOL} >/dev/null 2>&1
        echo "creation of the lvm snapshot failed"
        exit 1
echo "creation of the lvm snapshot was successfull"
echo "fsarchiver savefs -L${ORIGVOL} ${FSAOPTS} ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa /dev/${VOLGROP}/${SNAPVOL}"
# main command of the script that do the real stuff
if fsarchiver savefs -L${ORIGVOL} ${FSAOPTS} ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa /dev/${VOLGROP}/${SNAPVOL}
	echo "fsarchiver done"
# md5sum overbodig
#	echo "start md5sum"
#        md5sum ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa > ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.md5
        echo "fsarchiver failed"

# remove the snapshot
if ! lvremove -f /dev/${VOLGROP}/${SNAPVOL} >/dev/null 2>&1
        echo "cannot remove the lvm snapshot"
echo "fsarchiver archinfo"
fsarchiver archinfo ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa 2>${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.info
exit ${RES}

shell archive-franz6-home

VOLGROP='linux'                 # name of the volume group
ORIGVOL='linux_home'                 # name of the logical volume to backup
SNAPVOL='mysnap'                 # name of the snapshot to create
SNAPSIZ='6G'                     # space to allocate for the snapshot in the volume group
FSAOPTS='-z7 -j3 -s 2000'                # options to pass to fsarchiver
BACKDIR='/media/EHD4P1/franz6'              # where to put the backup
BACKNAM='backuphome'     # name of the archive

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TIMESTAMP="$(date +%Y%m%d-%Hh%M)"

# only run as root
if [ "$(id -u)" != '0' ]
        echo "this script has to be run as root"
        exit 1

# check that the snapshot does not already exist
if [ -e "/dev/${VOLGROP}/${SNAPVOL}" ]
        echo "the lvm snapshot already exists, please destroy it by hand first"
        exit 1

# create the lvm snapshot
if ! lvcreate -L${SNAPSIZ} -s -n ${SNAPVOL} /dev/${VOLGROP}/${ORIGVOL} >/dev/null 2>&1
        echo "creation of the lvm snapshot failed"
        exit 1
echo "creation of the lvm snapshot was successfull"
echo "fsarchiver savefs -L${ORIGVOL} ${FSAOPTS} ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa /dev/${VOLGROP}/${SNAPVOL}"
# main command of the script that do the real stuff
if fsarchiver savefs -L${ORIGVOL} ${FSAOPTS} ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa /dev/${VOLGROP}/${SNAPVOL}
	echo "fsarchiver done"
# md5sum overbodig
#	echo "start md5sum"
#       md5sum ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa > ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.md5
        echo "fsarchiver failed"

# remove the snapshot
if ! lvremove -f /dev/${VOLGROP}/${SNAPVOL} >/dev/null 2>&1
        echo "cannot remove the lvm snapshot"
echo "fsarchiver archinfo"
fsarchiver archinfo ${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.fsa 2>${BACKDIR}/${BACKNAM}-${TIMESTAMP}.info
exit ${RES}

shell archive-franz6-end

# only run as root
if [ "$(id -u)" != '0' ]
        echo "this script has to be run as root"
        exit 1
mount -a

vgreduce linux /dev/sdb2
exit ${RES}

Het resultaat

Het resultaat met cijfers

externe harddisk 160GB/250GB/500GB/1,5TB

Datum = 2013/01/27

I) Startup in Windows 7

Vorige : Opkuis:

tune sda1
defrag c: x

chkdsk c: x

2012/12/06 _

tune sda3
defrag d: x

chkdsk d: x

2012/11/23 _

tune sda4
defrag e: x

chkdsk e: x

2012/11/02 _

2012/10/13 _

II) Startup Rescuecd Use stick Alter64 B + 5 console in high resolution use tab setkmap=be nodhcp

2012/09/21 2012/08/28

mkdir /media /media/EHD4P1


mount /dev/sdc1 /media/EHD4P1; cd /media/EHD4P1/franz6


Terminal 0 ../tools/f6-t0
tune sda1
ntfsfix /dev/sda1 _

umount /media/EHD4P1

tune sda2
ntfsfix /dev/sda3 _

shutdown -f -r now

tune sda3
ntfsfix /dev/sda4 _

tune sda4
../tools/tune_ext4 /dev/mapper/linux-linux_boot


tune sda4
../tools/tune_ext4 /dev/mapper/linux-linux_root


tune sda4
../tools/tune_ext4 /dev/mapper/linux-linux_home


III) Startup into linux

fsarchiver -V : __________________________ cd /media/EHD4P1/franz6/

_ vgreduce –removemissing linux

fsarchiver probe simple

_ lvcreate hangs with kernel 2.6.32-24

backup mbr

mv sda.mbr sda_ .mbr


mv sda65.mbr sda65_ .mbr


dd if=/dev/sda of=sda.mbr count=1 bs=512


dd if=/dev/sda of=sda65.mbr count=65 bs=512


backup partitietabel

mv parttblsda.sf parttblsda_ .sf

Terminal 1 ../tools/f6-t1

sfdisk -d /dev/sda >parttblsda.sf

Terminal 2 ../tools/f6-t2
( restore mbr

Terminal 3 ../tools/f6-t3

dd if=sda.mbr of=/dev/sda )

Terminal 3 ../tools/f6-t3-end
( restore partitietabel

sfdisk -f /dev/sda <parttblsda.sf )

Partitie Type Command Start Ok files Directories Symlinks hardlnks specials starttime endtime duur term

../tools/franz6-t0 x x


../tools/archive-franz6-prepare x x

Sda1 Ntfs ../tools/archive-franz6-C x x 156837 39840 60 38960 2 09:28:38 11:12:55 01:44:17 t1
Sda2 Linux-linux_boot Ext4 ../tools/archive-franz6-boot x x 1001 40 1 0 0 09:29:16 09:29:34 00:00:18 t2
Sda2 Linux-linux_root Ext4 ../tools/archive-franz6-root x x 230136 29224 100309 39 87 09:29:34 10:05:27 00:35:53 t2
Sda2 Linux-linux_home ext4 ../tools/archive-franz6-home x x 13631 2941 46 10 32 10:05:27 10:27:15 00:21:48 t2
Sda3 PREOS Ntfs ../tools/archive-franz6-D x x 236 67 0 0 0 09:29:39 09:32:08 00:02:29 t3
Sda4 BDEDrive Ntfs ../tools/archive-franz6-E x x 60 59 0 0 0 09:32:08 09:32:13 00:00:05 t3

../tools/archive-franz6-end x x


De uitvoering

De uiteindelijke uitvoering
Terminal 0 start
Sun Jan 27 09:28:05 UTC 2013
doe ntfsinfo -m /dev/sda1
Volume Information 
	Name of device: /dev/sda1
	Device state: 11
	Volume Name: 
	Volume State: 91
	Volume Version: 3.1
	Sector Size: 512
	Cluster Size: 4096
	Index Block Size: 4096
	Volume Size in Clusters: 63643135
MFT Information 
	MFT Record Size: 1024
	MFT Zone Multiplier: 0
	MFT Data Position: 24
	MFT Zone Start: 786432
	MFT Zone End: 8741823
	MFT Zone Position: 786432
	Current Position in First Data Zone: 8741823
	Current Position in Second Data Zone: 0
	LCN of Data Attribute for FILE_MFT: 786432
	FILE_MFTMirr Size: 4
	LCN of Data Attribute for File_MFTMirr: 16
	Size of Attribute Definition Table: 2560
FILE_Bitmap Information 
	FILE_Bitmap MFT Record Number: 6
	State of FILE_Bitmap Inode: 80
	Length of Attribute List: 0
	Attribute List: (null)
	Number of Attached Extent Inodes: 0
FILE_Bitmap Data Attribute Information
	Decompressed Runlist: not done yet
	Base Inode: 6
	Attribute Types: not done yet
	Attribute Name Length: 0
	Attribute State: 3
	Attribute Allocated Size: 7958528
	Attribute Data Size: 7955392
	Attribute Initialized Size: 7955392
	Attribute Compressed Size: 0
	Compression Block Size: 0
	Compression Block Size Bits: 0
	Compression Block Clusters: 0
doe ntfsfix /dev/sda1
Mounting volume... OK
Processing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully.
NTFS volume version is 3.1.
NTFS partition /dev/sda1 was processed successfully.
doe ntfsinfo -m /dev/sda3
Volume Information 
	Name of device: /dev/sda3
	Device state: 11
	Volume Name: PREOS
	Volume State: 91
	Volume Version: 3.1
	Sector Size: 512
	Cluster Size: 512
	Index Block Size: 4096
	Volume Size in Clusters: 11386879
MFT Information 
	MFT Record Size: 1024
	MFT Zone Multiplier: 0
	MFT Data Position: 24
	MFT Zone Start: 2097152
	MFT Zone End: 3520511
	MFT Zone Position: 2097152
	Current Position in First Data Zone: 3520511
	Current Position in Second Data Zone: 0
	LCN of Data Attribute for FILE_MFT: 2097152
	FILE_MFTMirr Size: 4
	LCN of Data Attribute for File_MFTMirr: 946984
	Size of Attribute Definition Table: 2560
FILE_Bitmap Information 
	FILE_Bitmap MFT Record Number: 6
	State of FILE_Bitmap Inode: 80
	Length of Attribute List: 0
	Attribute List: (null)
	Number of Attached Extent Inodes: 0
FILE_Bitmap Data Attribute Information
	Decompressed Runlist: not done yet
	Base Inode: 6
	Attribute Types: not done yet
	Attribute Name Length: 0
	Attribute State: 3
	Attribute Allocated Size: 1423360
	Attribute Data Size: 1423360
	Attribute Initialized Size: 1423360
	Attribute Compressed Size: 0
	Compression Block Size: 0
	Compression Block Size Bits: 0
	Compression Block Clusters: 0
doe ntfsfix /dev/sda3
Mounting volume... OK
Processing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully.
NTFS volume version is 3.1.
NTFS partition /dev/sda3 was processed successfully.
doe ntfsinfo -m /dev/sda4
Volume Information 
	Name of device: /dev/sda4
	Device state: 11
	Volume Name: BDEDrive
	Volume State: 91
	Volume Version: 3.1
	Sector Size: 512
	Cluster Size: 4096
	Index Block Size: 4096
	Volume Size in Clusters: 275967
MFT Information 
	MFT Record Size: 1024
	MFT Zone Multiplier: 0
	MFT Data Position: 24
	MFT Zone Start: 91932
	MFT Zone End: 126427
	MFT Zone Position: 91932
	Current Position in First Data Zone: 126427
	Current Position in Second Data Zone: 0
	LCN of Data Attribute for FILE_MFT: 91932
	FILE_MFTMirr Size: 4
	LCN of Data Attribute for File_MFTMirr: 16
	Size of Attribute Definition Table: 2560
FILE_Bitmap Information 
	FILE_Bitmap MFT Record Number: 6
	State of FILE_Bitmap Inode: 80
	Length of Attribute List: 0
	Attribute List: (null)
	Number of Attached Extent Inodes: 0
FILE_Bitmap Data Attribute Information
	Decompressed Runlist: not done yet
	Base Inode: 6
	Attribute Types: not done yet
	Attribute Name Length: 0
	Attribute State: 3
	Attribute Allocated Size: 36864
	Attribute Data Size: 34496
	Attribute Initialized Size: 34496
	Attribute Compressed Size: 0
	Compression Block Size: 0
	Compression Block Size Bits: 0
	Compression Block Clusters: 0
doe ntfsfix /dev/sda4
Mounting volume... OK
Processing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully.
NTFS volume version is 3.1.
NTFS partition /dev/sda4 was processed successfully.
doe tune_ext4 /dev/mapper/linux-linux_boot
device= /dev/mapper/linux-linux_boot
doe : tune2fs -O has_journal /dev/mapper/linux-linux_boot
tune2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
doe : e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/linux-linux_boot
e2fsck 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
e2fsck: need terminal for interactive repairs
doe : tune2fs -J size=4 /dev/mapper/linux-linux_boot
tune2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
Creating journal inode: done
This filesystem will be automatically checked every 200 mounts or
180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.
doe : tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index -i 6m -c 200 /dev/mapper/linux-linux_boot
tune2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
Setting maximal mount count to 200
Setting interval between checks to 15552000 seconds
doe : e2fsck -pfD /dev/mapper/linux-linux_boot
/dev/mapper/linux-linux_boot: 1051/65536 files (0.1% non-contiguous), 27973/262144 blocks
gedaan !
device= /dev/mapper/linux-linux_boot
doe tune_ext4 /dev/mapper/linux-linux_root
device= /dev/mapper/linux-linux_root
doe : tune2fs -O has_journal /dev/mapper/linux-linux_root
The needs_recovery flag is set.  Please run e2fsck before clearing
the has_journal flag.
tune2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
doe : e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/linux-linux_root
e2fsck 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
e2fsck: need terminal for interactive repairs
doe : tune2fs -J size=4 /dev/mapper/linux-linux_root
The filesystem already has a journal.
tune2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
doe : tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index -i 6m -c 200 /dev/mapper/linux-linux_root
tune2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
Setting maximal mount count to 200
Setting interval between checks to 15552000 seconds
doe : e2fsck -pfD /dev/mapper/linux-linux_root
/dev/mapper/linux-linux_root: recovering journal
/dev/mapper/linux-linux_root: 359741/983040 files (0.2% non-contiguous), 2290766/3932160 blocks
gedaan !
device= /dev/mapper/linux-linux_root
doe tune_ext4 /dev/mapper/linux-linux_home
device= /dev/mapper/linux-linux_home
doe : tune2fs -O has_journal /dev/mapper/linux-linux_home
tune2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
doe : e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/linux-linux_home
e2fsck 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
e2fsck: need terminal for interactive repairs
doe : tune2fs -J size=4 /dev/mapper/linux-linux_home
tune2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
Creating journal inode: done
This filesystem will be automatically checked every 200 mounts or
180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.
doe : tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index -i 6m -c 200 /dev/mapper/linux-linux_home
tune2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
Setting maximal mount count to 200
Setting interval between checks to 15552000 seconds
doe : e2fsck -pfD /dev/mapper/linux-linux_home
/dev/mapper/linux-linux_home: 16659/983040 files (2.6% non-contiguous), 2504659/3932160 blocks
gedaan !
device= /dev/mapper/linux-linux_home
doe mv sda.mbr sda_20130127.mbr
doe mv sda65.mbr sda65_20130127.mbr
doe dd if=/dev/sda of=sda.mbr count=1 bs=512
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
512 bytes (512 B) copied, 3.1636e-05 s, 16.2 MB/s
doe dd if=/dev/sda of=sda65.mbr count=65 bs=512
65+0 records in
65+0 records out
33280 bytes (33 kB) copied, 0.023153 s, 1.4 MB/s
doe mv parttblsda.sf parttblsda_20130127.sf
doe sfdisk -d /dev/sda >parttblsda.sf
Sun Jan 27 09:28:26 UTC 2013
Terminal 1 output
Sun Jan 27 09:28:37 UTC 2013
stty: standard input: Invalid argument
fsarchiver 0.6.15 (2012-06-02)
[======DISK======] [=============NAME==============] [====SIZE====] [MAJ] [MIN]
[sda             ] [WDC WD3200BEKT-7               ] [   298.09 GB] [  8] [  0]
[sdb             ] [USB Flash Memory               ] [     1.89 GB] [  8] [ 16]
[sdc             ] [41AS                           ] [     1.36 TB] [  8] [ 32]

[=====DEVICE=====] [==FILESYS==] [======LABEL======] [====SIZE====] [MAJ] [MIN] 
[loop0           ] [squashfs   ] [<unknown>        ] [   255.07 MB] [  7] [  0] 
[sda1            ] [ntfs       ] [<unknown>        ] [   242.78 GB] [  8] [  1] 
[sda2            ] [LVM2_member] [<unknown>        ] [    48.83 GB] [  8] [  2] 
[sda3            ] [ntfs       ] [PREOS            ] [     5.43 GB] [  8] [  3] 
[sda4            ] [ntfs       ] [BDEDrive         ] [     1.05 GB] [  8] [  4] 
[sdb1            ] [vfat       ] [SYSRESC          ] [     1.89 GB] [  8] [ 17] 
[sdc1            ] [vfat       ] [EHD4P1           ] [     1.15 TB] [  8] [ 33] 
[sdc2            ] [LVM2_member] [<unknown>        ] [   109.86 GB] [  8] [ 34] 
[sdc3            ] [ntfs       ] [<unknown>        ] [   108.11 GB] [  8] [ 35] 
[dm-0            ] [ext4       ] [<unknown>        ] [     1.00 GB] [253] [  0] 
[dm-1            ] [ext4       ] [<unknown>        ] [    15.00 GB] [253] [  1] 
[dm-2            ] [ext4       ] [<unknown>        ] [    15.00 GB] [253] [  2] 
[dm-3            ] [swap       ] [<unknown>        ] [   752.00 MB] [253] [  3] 
Sun Jan 27 09:28:38 UTC 2013
  WARNING: Ignoring unsupported value for metadata/pvmetadataignore.
  Device /dev/sdb2 not found (or ignored by filtering).
  Unable to add physical volume '/dev/sdb2' to volume group 'linux'.
Sun Jan 27 09:28:39 UTC 2013
fsarchiver savefs -Lbackup-C -z7 -j3 -s 2000 /media/EHD4P1/franz6/backup-C-20130127-09h28.fsa /dev/sda1
Archive will be split into volumes of 2097152000 bytes (1.95 GB)
Statistics for filesystem 0
* files successfully processed:....regfiles=156837, directories=39840, symlinks=60, hardlinks=38960, specials=2
* files with errors:...............regfiles=0, directories=0, symlinks=0, hardlinks=0, specials=0
fsarchiver done
fsarchiver archinfo
Sun Jan 27 11:12:55 UTC 2013
Terminal 2 output
Sun Jan 27 09:29:15 UTC 2013
stty: standard input: Invalid argument
fsarchiver 0.6.15 (2012-06-02)
[======DISK======] [=============NAME==============] [====SIZE====] [MAJ] [MIN]
[sda             ] [WDC WD3200BEKT-7               ] [   298.09 GB] [  8] [  0]
[sdb             ] [USB Flash Memory               ] [     1.89 GB] [  8] [ 16]
[sdc             ] [41AS                           ] [     1.36 TB] [  8] [ 32]

[=====DEVICE=====] [==FILESYS==] [======LABEL======] [====SIZE====] [MAJ] [MIN] 
[loop0           ] [squashfs   ] [<unknown>        ] [   255.07 MB] [  7] [  0] 
[sda1            ] [ntfs       ] [<unknown>        ] [   242.78 GB] [  8] [  1] 
[sda2            ] [LVM2_member] [<unknown>        ] [    48.83 GB] [  8] [  2] 
[sda3            ] [ntfs       ] [PREOS            ] [     5.43 GB] [  8] [  3] 
[sda4            ] [ntfs       ] [BDEDrive         ] [     1.05 GB] [  8] [  4] 
[sdb1            ] [vfat       ] [SYSRESC          ] [     1.89 GB] [  8] [ 17] 
[sdc1            ] [vfat       ] [EHD4P1           ] [     1.15 TB] [  8] [ 33] 
[sdc2            ] [LVM2_member] [<unknown>        ] [   109.86 GB] [  8] [ 34] 
[sdc3            ] [ntfs       ] [<unknown>        ] [   108.11 GB] [  8] [ 35] 
[dm-0            ] [ext4       ] [<unknown>        ] [     1.00 GB] [253] [  0] 
[dm-1            ] [ext4       ] [<unknown>        ] [    15.00 GB] [253] [  1] 
[dm-2            ] [ext4       ] [<unknown>        ] [    15.00 GB] [253] [  2] 
[dm-3            ] [swap       ] [<unknown>        ] [   752.00 MB] [253] [  3] 
Sun Jan 27 09:29:16 UTC 2013
creation of the lvm snapshot was successfull
fsarchiver savefs -Llinux_boot -z7 -j3 -s 2000 /media/EHD4P1/franz6/backupboot-20130127-09h29.fsa /dev/linux/mysnap
Archive will be split into volumes of 2097152000 bytes (1.95 GB)
Statistics for filesystem 0
* files successfully processed:....regfiles=1001, directories=40, symlinks=1, hardlinks=0, specials=0
* files with errors:...............regfiles=0, directories=0, symlinks=0, hardlinks=0, specials=0
fsarchiver done
fsarchiver archinfo
Sun Jan 27 09:29:34 UTC 2013
creation of the lvm snapshot was successfull
fsarchiver savefs -Llinux_root -z7 -j3 -s 2000 /media/EHD4P1/franz6/backuproot-20130127-09h29.fsa /dev/linux/mysnap
Archive will be split into volumes of 2097152000 bytes (1.95 GB)
Statistics for filesystem 0
* files successfully processed:....regfiles=230136, directories=29224, symlinks=100309, hardlinks=39, specials=87
* files with errors:...............regfiles=0, directories=0, symlinks=0, hardlinks=0, specials=0
fsarchiver done
fsarchiver archinfo
Sun Jan 27 10:05:27 UTC 2013
creation of the lvm snapshot was successfull
fsarchiver savefs -Llinux_home -z7 -j3 -s 2000 /media/EHD4P1/franz6/backuphome-20130127-10h05.fsa /dev/linux/mysnap
Archive will be split into volumes of 2097152000 bytes (1.95 GB)
Statistics for filesystem 0
* files successfully processed:....regfiles=13631, directories=2941, symlinks=46, hardlinks=10, specials=32
* files with errors:...............regfiles=0, directories=0, symlinks=0, hardlinks=0, specials=0
fsarchiver done
fsarchiver archinfo
Sun Jan 27 10:27:15 UTC 2013
Terminal 3 output
Sun Jan 27 09:29:37 UTC 2013
stty: standard input: Invalid argument
fsarchiver 0.6.15 (2012-06-02)
[======DISK======] [=============NAME==============] [====SIZE====] [MAJ] [MIN]
[sda             ] [WDC WD3200BEKT-7               ] [   298.09 GB] [  8] [  0]
[sdb             ] [USB Flash Memory               ] [     1.89 GB] [  8] [ 16]
[sdc             ] [41AS                           ] [     1.36 TB] [  8] [ 32]

[=====DEVICE=====] [==FILESYS==] [======LABEL======] [====SIZE====] [MAJ] [MIN] 
[loop0           ] [squashfs   ] [<unknown>        ] [   255.07 MB] [  7] [  0] 
[sda1            ] [ntfs       ] [<unknown>        ] [   242.78 GB] [  8] [  1] 
[sda2            ] [LVM2_member] [<unknown>        ] [    48.83 GB] [  8] [  2] 
[sda3            ] [ntfs       ] [PREOS            ] [     5.43 GB] [  8] [  3] 
[sda4            ] [ntfs       ] [BDEDrive         ] [     1.05 GB] [  8] [  4] 
[sdb1            ] [vfat       ] [SYSRESC          ] [     1.89 GB] [  8] [ 17] 
[sdc1            ] [vfat       ] [EHD4P1           ] [     1.15 TB] [  8] [ 33] 
[sdc2            ] [LVM2_member] [<unknown>        ] [   109.86 GB] [  8] [ 34] 
[sdc3            ] [ntfs       ] [<unknown>        ] [   108.11 GB] [  8] [ 35] 
[dm-0            ] [ext4       ] [<unknown>        ] [     1.00 GB] [253] [  0] 
[dm-1            ] [ext4       ] [<unknown>        ] [    15.00 GB] [253] [  1] 
[dm-2            ] [ext4       ] [<unknown>        ] [    15.00 GB] [253] [  2] 
[dm-3            ] [swap       ] [<unknown>        ] [   752.00 MB] [253] [  3] 
[dm-4            ] [ext4       ] [<unknown>        ] [    15.00 GB] [253] [  4] 
[dm-5            ] [ext4       ] [<unknown>        ] [    15.00 GB] [253] [  5] 
[dm-6            ] [DM_snapshot] [<unknown>        ] [     6.00 GB] [253] [  6] 
Sun Jan 27 09:29:39 UTC 2013
fsarchiver savefs -Lbackup-D -z7 -j3 -s 2000 /media/EHD4P1/franz6/backup-D-20130127-09h29.fsa /dev/sda3
Archive will be split into volumes of 2097152000 bytes (1.95 GB)
Statistics for filesystem 0
* files successfully processed:....regfiles=236, directories=67, symlinks=0, hardlinks=0, specials=0
* files with errors:...............regfiles=0, directories=0, symlinks=0, hardlinks=0, specials=0
fsarchiver done
Sun Jan 27 09:32:08 UTC 2013
Sun Jan 27 09:32:08 UTC 2013
fsarchiver savefs -Lbackup-E -z7 -j3 -s 2000 /media/EHD4P1/franz6/backup-E-20130127-09h32.fsa /dev/sda4
Archive will be split into volumes of 2097152000 bytes (1.95 GB)
Statistics for filesystem 0
* files successfully processed:....regfiles=60, directories=59, symlinks=0, hardlinks=0, specials=0
* files with errors:...............regfiles=0, directories=0, symlinks=0, hardlinks=0, specials=0
fsarchiver done
Sun Jan 27 09:32:13 UTC 2013
Terminal 3 end
ma jan 28 21:44:53 CET 2013
fsarchiver 0.6.15 (2012-06-02)
ma jan 28 21:44:53 CET 2013
  Physical Volume "/dev/sdb2" not found in Volume Group "linux"
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   70333213 jan 27 09:29 backupboot-20130127-09h29.fsa
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root        731 jan 27 09:29
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2096915808 jan 27 09:50 backup-C-20130127-09h28.f01
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2097079607 jan 27 10:06 backup-C-20130127-09h28.f02
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2097029512 jan 27 10:16 backup-C-20130127-09h28.f03
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2097128215 jan 27 10:23 backup-C-20130127-09h28.f04
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2097131770 jan 27 10:35 backup-C-20130127-09h28.f05
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2097132742 jan 27 10:50 backup-C-20130127-09h28.f06
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2097038427 jan 27 10:54 backup-C-20130127-09h28.f07
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2097101248 jan 27 10:57 backup-C-20130127-09h28.f08
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2096935792 jan 27 11:01 backup-C-20130127-09h28.f09
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2097088452 jan 27 11:05 backup-C-20130127-09h28.f10
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2096991274 jan 27 11:09 backup-C-20130127-09h28.f11
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1545291527 jan 27 11:12 backup-C-20130127-09h28.f12
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2097089314 jan 27 09:47 backup-C-20130127-09h28.fsa
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root        714 jan 27 11:12
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  491270126 jan 27 09:32 backup-D-20130127-09h29.fsa
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root        705 jan 27 09:32
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    8350016 jan 27 09:32 backup-E-20130127-09h32.fsa
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root        706 jan 27 09:32
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2097019474 jan 27 10:17 backuphome-20130127-10h05.f01
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2097033952 jan 27 10:23 backuphome-20130127-10h05.f02
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  638195934 jan 27 10:27 backuphome-20130127-10h05.f03
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2097091990 jan 27 10:11 backuphome-20130127-10h05.fsa
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root        732 jan 27 10:27
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1457546978 jan 27 10:05 backuproot-20130127-09h29.f01
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2096925273 jan 27 09:49 backuproot-20130127-09h29.fsa
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root        731 jan 27 10:05
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root      16019 jan 28 21:44 franz6-20130128.out
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root        259 dec  6 17:41 parttblsda_20130127.sf
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root        512 dec  6 17:41 sda_20130127.mbr
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root      33280 dec  6 17:41 sda65_20130127.mbr

Laatst gewijzigd: woensdag 7 september 2022 21:37
Copyright � 2022 - Franz Ulenaers (email :